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In the summer of 2014, I accomplished my first real adventure. I crossed, in 17 days, the 400km separating the southern coast from the northern coast, off-road, by myself and without any aid.

“I am remembering this day in Iceland: I was almost at the end of my journey across the country, and I had to cross a river with rather strong currents. I had to attempt the crossing several times, but I managed to reach the other side carrying my bag over my head, in a 2°C water. Frozen to the bone, I immediately started walking, but a storm came. At this moment I was at more than 1000m high in altitude and the ground was covered with snow and rocks; it was impossible to fix my tent. I continued to walk till late, simply using my compass, the maps being useless in such fog. Exhausted, drenched and walking without much direction, I was close to abandoning, put my tent up and spend the worst night of my life. However, I continued for a few more kilometres and suddenly, in front of me, for the space of an instant, there was a shelter in the fog. I ran with all my strength and I found the best cabin of the whole expedition. Under a pile of blankets, in the warmth of this unexpected shelter, I remember that I felt the happiest man alive.”
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